
Resources for Pet Parents

For whatever your questions or curiosities regarding your pet and their health, Homestead Veterinary Clinic has the resources you need. Here, you’ll find a wealth of educational links, trusted helplines, and expert advice to help you navigate various aspects of pet care. Whether you’re seeking guidance on nutrition, behavior, or medical issues, our curated resources are designed to empower you with the knowledge you need to provide the best possible care for your pets.

Not finding what you’re looking for? Reach out to our team, we’ll be happy to help. 

General Pet Resources & Information

Veterinary Medicine Library
This is an external, searchable, veterinary medicine library where you can read more about pet health topics.

Your Pet Site
A free online service that keeps you connected with your veterinary team — anytime, anywhere — online.

Online Pharmacy
Need to re-order your pet’s medication? Use our convenient online pharmacy.

Additional Resources

These websites provide some great information on a variety of pet health care topics. We would welcome your ideas additional links to share with other pet owners. Feel free to send us your favorites. If we like them, we will add them to our list!

  • Pet Poison Helpline If your pet just exposed to something harmful, call the Pet Poison Helpline® immediately. The sooner an exposure or poisoning is addressed, the easier, less expensive, and safer it is to treat.
  • Heartworm Society  Everything you ever wanted to know about heartworm disease can be found here.
  • USDA Animal and Plant Health  The USDA maintains this website with information on a variety of animal health related topics, including the latest news on such things as Mad Cow Diseases, foot and mouth disease, and many other things.
  • Rainbow Bridge Anyone who has ever lost a pet might want to visit this wonderful site. It is a terrific tribute to our lost family members.

CoVetrus Pharmacy Disclaimer

Covetrus Pharmacy is currently restored for ordering the following: Proin, Tramadol, Gabapentin, and Rayne Nutrition products.