New Pet Checkups

Veterinary Care for Your New Pet

We love adopted animals!  When you adopt a pet from a shelter or rescue organization, we will give a complimentary wellness exam within the first week. We want your adjustment to be as smooth as possible and are happy to help in any way.

Start of Life Care for
Your New Puppy or Kitten

New puppies and kittens make our job a joy and we want to get them off to a good start. Plan for close to an hour for your first visit. We talk about training, nutrition, spay/neuter and vaccinations. We want to be sure that all your questions are answered and concerns are addressed.

We also take time to play after giving vaccinations so your pet has the best experience here as possible. It’s best to bring your pet hungry so we have lots of opportunities to give treats.

Has your pet had a bad experience at the vet before?

We try really hard to turn that around. We practice low stress handling techniques for cats. Our staff is trained to identify fearful dogs and approach them in a comforting way. We alter our restraint techniques when necessary so we can minimize fear and stress.